
Tuesday 13 August 2013

Port Ellen to Colonsay......

The tide I required for my next leg didn’t start until after midday, so this gave me time to get a few jobs ticked off my list and plan my next passage.  There are some very challenging routes through the Scottish Isles, with many riptides and undercurrents that can take you onto the rocks before you know it - I am doing my best to avoid these routes where possible.  I consider this trip is a big enough challenge on its own, without adding unnecessary risk!

This next leg took me north through the Sound of Islay which seemed to be lined with distilleries!

There was plenty to look at along the way and plenty of others out on the water.

With all the rocky outcrops and jutting headlands there was plenty of choice for lighthouse of the can choose your own today:
I'll come back one day and stop at this one. 

Lighthouse 1

Lighthouse 2
Lighthouse 3
I had chosen a quiet cove on the Island of Colonsay and no sooner had I dropped my anchor in the deserted water, 2 more yachts arrived, followed by a couple of canoeists who pitched camp on the beach!

Still the views were stunning and at least I knew I had selected a good spot.
The view from my anchorage.
The route.

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